воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

asthma guidelines british thoracic society

Today ended up being�a�really good day. My grandfather, my sister katie,�and myself went driving in lake elmo over by lake demontreville, and i finally broke 40mph. Anything faster than that i freaked out. But most of the roads were very curved and crazy, so i didnapos;t really want to go fast.
after driving for about a half hour, i went with my mom and katie to the mall. It was weird, being around my mom for that much time. And being at the mall in general with her. Sheapos;s extremely impatient, and it makes my anxiety even worse. Oh, and he was working. ;]
i ended up going into barnes n noble and getting a book. I prefer half-price books.�still no tom bombadil, those bastards. I bought the sword of shannara. I read about two-thirds of it in seventh grade, but never bought part three. I liked it, despite the fact that it is very, very similar to the style of lord of the rings. Oh well. I needed something other than new moon. Ugh, awwfulllll.

after returning home, claire called me from andrewapos;s phone, and after a brief conversation, they hopped on mapquest, got my address and came and got me. We didnapos;t do much at all. All we really did was sit around and talk about all the crazy shit going on at highschool. And we pet weener [claireapos;s weener dog, radar]. I love that dog. :D
andrew drove me home, and now iapos;m in the kitchen working on homework.
and, iapos;ve already managed to misplace my new book.

iapos;m also switching back to zebrabag, since today at the mall my�purse slipped out of my lap in the foodcourt, and everything spilled out onto the floor. Stupid purse.

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